High Potential (HIPO) Intervention
Most High Performers are not High Potentials

We believe, the 5 Key Reasons for running a High Potential Program in any organisation are

  It builds a robust Leadership Pipeline: Most organisations realize as their business grows, it is essential to have leaders from within to support that growth. HIPO Programs help organisations achieve a steady supply of leaders to meet their business needs
  The Value of High Potential Employees: Research continuously shows that HIPO’s are 1.9 times more valuable and have a 75% chance of succeeding in the next role
  To retain who matters: High Potential Employees are at over 30% risk of leaving. Therefore, a HIPO program is a great way of retaining them
  More Discretionary Effort: Multiple researches have shown that HIPO’s demonstrate higher discretionary effort. Investment in them pays great dividend in terms of performance
  HIPO’s are seen to contribute most significantly during disruption and change: Our research with multiple clients shows that HIPO provide the best fit answer to help organisations manage difficult times and also achieve their change goals

High Potential Statistics

Competence Curve with it experience can help you curate and execute a HIPO program which will fulfill the needs of the HIPO and your organisation.

  64% of HIPO’s are dissatisfied with their development journey
  69% of HIPO programs don’t lead to successful internal promotions
  95% of HIPO programs loose effectiveness due to poor sustenance and reinforcement plan
  HIPO program well designed and executed can lead to profit growth of over 2X
  Organisations that run successful HIPO programs see over 12% increase in performance

10 Common traits of a High Potential are:

Someone who has alignment to organisation’s Vision & Strategy

Those who have high aspirations to grow at a faster pace

Employees who demonstrate the ability to invest in themselves & learn continuously

Those who role models the core values of the organisation

Employees who meet a minimum performance criterion for growth

Those who demonstrate courage to lead in adverse situations

Employees with strong ownership and collaboration

Those who demonstrate a growth mindset

Someone who challenges status quo & leads Innovation

Employees who demonstrate agility and customer centricity

Our Model for HIPO Development

Stage1: Setting Objectives for HIPO Development

Most HIPO programs fail because the objectives are not clearly defined. These objectives may include

  Number of HIPO’s to be developed at each level
  Experiences which need to be incorporated in the program
  Skill sets that need to be developed
  Exposure which will be important for growth
  Senior management involvement in the HIPO development
  Retention targets for HIPO
  Internal Promotion targets for HIPO’s
There are many other objectives our consultants help clients identify and agree to with the key Stakeholders. Progress evaluation trackers are then prepared. Sources of information to fill the trackers is identified and our consultants set up review meetings to ensure all milestones are achieved and HIPO objectives are delivered.

Stage2: Identifying HIPO and Understanding their needs of HIPO

Our experts at Competence Curve can help clients set up a robust mechanism for identifying their High Potentials. There are many criterion which are specific to a client that can be included to identify a HIPO. These could range from dynamic learning agility, sensing new opportunities to living the values of the organisation. We help organisations define 3-6 criterion that fits their culture & aligns to their business objectives.
Our experience shows from organisation to organisation that the needs of HIPO’s vary. In some cases, they are looking at growth, challenging roles, networking opportunities, unique learning, visibility, supervisor support, etc. Our consultants work with the HIPO population to identify their needs and integrate them with the program design. Communication plan is then defined and implemented at their stage.

Stage3: Developing HIPO’s

Multiple sources of learning experiences are designed by our consultants and deployed. These usually follow the 70:20:10 framework. The HIPO’s are assigned challenging projects which allows them to discover their potential and develop new skills. Continuous managers support, peer support, coaching and feedback is made available. HIPO’s are also exposed to world class faculty who familiarize them with tools, framework & best practices to develop their mind set & skill sets. Development priorities of the HIPO population may depend on current and transitioning roles.

Stage4: Retaining HIPO’s

Since HIPO’s are at the highest risk of attrition, our consultants help clients deploy various engagement strategies to ensure retention of HIPO’s. These include career growth, greater recognition, expansion of role, involvement in strategic goals of the organisation. We help clients define specific strategies for each HIPO depending on their aspiration & ability. Various other short term strategies are also deployed to ensure greater engagement of the High Potential employees. Various reward and recognition programs are designed and initiated at this stage.

Stage5: Evaluation of HIPO Program

Basis on the HIPO talent metrics set at the objective stage, our consultants carry out the final evaluation. The end results are data driven against the benchmarks which were established and set at the start of the HIPO development program. The evaluation is done to capture success from the perspective of the organisation and HIPO employees.

7 Critical Success Factors for a HIPO Program

Our experience shows that the following Critical Success Factors can put you on a right track to creating a successful HIPO Program for your organisation

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Competence Curve

At Competence Curve, we believe that performance is a science. It's our job to take the guesswork out of the equation, and use proven scientific techniques to inspire leaders.

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